Career Academy Admissions

Career Academy Application Timeline

Apply in 8th grade to enroll for the 9th grade:

Open September 28 – December 6, 2024

The Monmouth County Vocational School District Career Academy Admission Decisions will be released March 6, 2025 after 4:00 PM. Applicants will receive an email indicating if they were accepted or not.

 Apply in 9th grade to enroll for 10th grade:

Open March 3 – May 1, 2025

Application HERE

Ninth Grade Admission

For admission into the Academy of Allied Health and Science (AAHS), the Academy of Law and Public Safety (ALPS), Biotechnology High School (BTHS), Communications High School (CHS), and High Technology High School (HTHS) eighth grade students must be full-time residents of Monmouth County at the time of the application deadline. *Marine Academy of Science and Technology (MAST) accepts applications from out of county, except residents of Ocean County. Ocean County Vocational Technical School offers MATES. The applicant and parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must have attended an Information Session for school of application (registration is required).

  1. Students will be required to take an Admissions Exam (excluding ALPS)

  2. Student, accompanied by a parent/guardian, must attend an information session. You may attend as many information sessions as you like to help you decide which school is right for you. You must attend the information session for the school you apply to.

  3. Submitting an application: Online application is due by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

  4. When you successfully submit your online application you will receive a Confirmation Page and Application Checklist that you will need to print and give to a school official (Counselor/Principal). Monmouth County Vocational School District must receive the required school form and transcript or the student may be ineligible. ​​

Disclaimer: Please note that the Monmouth County Vocational School District does not endorse, nor has an affiliation with any company/organization soliciting students to take a review class and practice test in order to prepare them for the MCVSD Career Academy Admission Test.

Application Deadline: December 6, 2024

Career Academy Entrance Exam: January 25, 2025

Picture ID will be required (School ID, Passport, County ID, Picture ID Form). Picture ID Form Here

School Records: December 20, 2024

Admission Decision: March 2025

Academy Entrance Exam Standards (Updated)

New Jersey Student Learning Standards (ELA) Here   New Jersey Student Learning Standards (Math) Here

Information Session Dates Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When and how will I be notified of my admission decision?
A. Applicants will receive an email informing them when the admission decision will be available. Applicants will log into their account to view the admission decision and will receive an email.

Q. What is on the entrance exam?
A. The entrance exam consists of mathematics and language arts, and is aligned to the NJ Student Learning Standards. Multiple-choice type questions are used throughout the exam.

Q. Does MCVSD endorse test prep companies?
A. MCVSD does not endorse, nor has an affiliation with any company soliciting students to take a review class or practice test to prepare for the MCVSD entrance exam.

Q. Is the same entrance exam given each year?
A. MCVSD uses a different exam each year, based on the NJ Student Learning Standards.

Q. How will I make arrangements for transportation and tuition?
A. All transportation and tuition costs are the responsibility of the resident district. The Resident District Transportation Department will determine the type of route for students enrolled in a MCVSD program.

Q. Am I eligible to participate in sports at my home high school?
A. Yes, students are eligible. The resident district is not required to provide transportation to/from practice or events.

Q. Do I need Algebra I in middle school to apply or attend?
A. No, however students may need to take a summer course through MCVSD before attending.

Q. I would like to attend an Information Session at multiple schools, do I need to have a record of attendance each time?
A. Yes, you should complete the registration form at the conclusion of each information session so there is a record of your attendance. You may only register for one information session per school. You can only apply to one school.

Full Time Secondary Programs Acceptance of Pupils

  • Academy of Allied Health & Science

  • Academy of Law and Public Safety

  • Biotechnology High School

  • Communications High School

  • High Technology High School

  • Marine Academy of Science & Technology

1.    Ninth Grade Class

Application process:

  • Applications will be considered for only one school.

  • Applications will be received after September 1 of the applicants’ eighth grade year.

  • Applications must be complete and supporting materials must be included.

Supporting materials:

  • Grade transcript

  • Signed application checklist by eighth grade school official

  • Documentation of interest in program provided in the specialized school (essay).

  • Applicant and parent(s) or legal guardian(s) must have attended an Information Session for school of application.

  • Applications must be received in the district central office by the application deadline as established annually by the office of the Superintendent. Applicants must be full-time residents of Monmouth County prior to the application deadline.  Monmouth County residents attending school outside of the County must have verification of Monmouth County residency from the out-of-county school.

b.  Acceptance Criteria

  1. Applicants will be ranked according to the following scoring:


Maximum Rating

7th Grade (Final Grade) 


8th Grade (1st Quarter) 


District Admission Exam



Writing/Language Arts 


Total Possible


Minimum Score for Admission


  1. The ratings will be determined as follows:

Ratings for Language Arts/English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science

Number Grade

Letter Grade






































District Admission Exam:  A District Admission Exam will be administered each year.  The exam will consist of mathematics concepts and writing/language arts skills.  Each part will be scored on a scale of 1-35.

c.  Pupil Acceptance

(1)       If space does not permit acceptance of all qualified applicants, selection will be made with the following considerations:

(a)        The highest scoring qualified applicant from each district pool will be offered admission.  Qualified applicants are those who meet the minimum standards as outlined in 1b(1) of this policy.  District pool is the resident public school (excluding regional high school districts) that an applicant resides in at the time of application. The remaining students are offered admission based on their overall composite score, regardless of resident district.

(b)       In an effort to achieve gender and ethnic balance, additional admission offers may be made to qualified applicants.

(2)       Applications from outside of Monmouth County will only be considered for The Marine Academy of Science and Technology as follows:

  • Applicants from Ocean County are ineligible.

  • Five spaces may be awarded to out-of-county residents.

  • Acceptance will be based on established acceptance criteria (1 b).

  • All applicants will be reviewed in a single pool of “out-of-county” applicants.

The Monmouth County Vocational School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, socioeconomic status, genetic information, pregnancy, military service, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Math and World Language Placement

1.     All students upon acceptance will be required to take a Math Placement Test.  Some Career Academies may require the student to take a World Language Placement Test.

2.    The cut scores for the placement exams will be established annually by the Superintendent or designee.

 3.    At the Career Academies which do not offer Algebra I, students must demonstrate proficiency in Algebra I prior to beginning 9th grade.

4.     Students who have not taken Algebra I or do not demonstrate proficiency in Algebra on the placement test must complete and be proficient in the MCVSD five-week summer Algebra course before beginning 9th grade.

There is no alternative to this course, and daily attendance is mandatory, with no exceptions. Outside math courses, tutors and the like are not acceptable replacements for this course.

5.   No exceptions will be granted for students required to attend summer math programs. 

2.         Tenth Grade Classes

1.     Students entering in Tenth Grade (10) can be considered for acceptance into the MCVSD Career Academies.  This consideration will be based on enrollment at current Career Academies.

2.     This consideration can be based on an individual school basis.

3.     In order for a student to be accepted they must meet the prerequisites required by the Career Academy they wish to apply to.

  • Student must be a full-time resident of Monmouth County at the time of the application process.

  • Applications must be complete with all supporting materials by May 1 for the following school year. The application is available after March 1 on our website.

Supporting materials:

  • Grade transcript through the third marking period of ninth grade

  • Standardized test scores (not part of rubric)

  • Documentation of interest in program provided in the specialized school (essay)

  • Student must have successfully completed one year of a foreign language offered at the school they are applying.

  • Student will be required to take a mathematics exam at the math level they are currently enrolled in and a language arts exam.

  • Accepted student may be required to do summer course work or supplemental assignments.

Student Acceptance

  • A limited number of pupils will be considered for acceptance into tenth grade levels based upon individual applications and availability of space.

  • The highest scoring qualified applicant(s) will be offered admission as a transfer pupil if space is available based on grades and exam.

  • All appropriate applicants will be considered regardless of resident district.

Career Academy Student Transfers

1.     A student that has been admitted to any one of the Career Academies will not be permitted to transfer schools within Monmouth County Vocational Career Academies.

Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Statement

The Monmouth County Vocational School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, socioeconomic status, genetic information, pregnancy, military service, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Questions: Please email Career Academy Admissions