College Information

Student Services


All of the MCVSD Academies utilize Naviance Family Connection as a primary management tool for college searches and application tasks. Naviance Family Connection provides actual outcome data on graduates for each of the Academies.

All MCVSD students and parents receive a unique Naviance registration username and password. We highly encourage that all of our families take advantage of the wonderful resources within this program.

At Affordable colleges Online, we aim to aid students in identifying opportunities and resources that fit their academic ambitions - without breaking the bank.

The College Search - Finding The School of Best Fit

"The best college will be the one that acknowledges your strengths and weaknesses, accommodates your needs, supports your ambitions, and invests in you as you strive to achieve your goals. It is the place that values you for what you have to offer—something that ranking guides can't measure" (From US News & World Report)

  • Have a balanced approach: Reach, Target, Reliable (Safety). It is recommended that students apply to 7 to 10 colleges, based on selectivity:

    • Reach - college standards exceed your scores (2 to 3)

    • Target - college standards comparable to your scores (2 to 4)

    • Reliable (Safety) - your scores exceed that of the college (2 to 3)

  • Evaluate important college decision factors, including: cost, location, size, distance, academic programs, public/private, campus life, and post-grad outcomes. Make a list of "must have" factors.

  • Utilize College Comparison Tools to help distinguish between prospective colleges

Researching Colleges

  • Naviance College Search

  • Campus Visits - guided tours, open houses, admissions presentations, overnight stays

  • Talk to past and present students/family members

  • College Fairs, both local and national

  • Admissions Representative visits to the Academies

  • Online: College websites, virtual tours, viewbooks, social media

  • Print: Numerous college guide publications, such as The College Board's College Handbook

College Application Checklist For Seniors

  • Request two teacher letters of recommendation

  • Create a Common Application using your email account

  • Link your Naviance Account with the Common Application

  • Sign the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) waiver in Naviance. This permits your school guidance counselor to release personal information to colleges.

  • Send SAT and/or ACT scores to each college you are applying to

  • Complete Transcript/Document Request (paper version and/or in Naviance)

  • Fulfill application requirements for each specific school in full; track and monitor your application status.

  • Apply for Financial Aid - Complete the FAFSA & CSS Profile

College Planning Resources: