Structured Learning
Student Services
Work-Based Learning Program
Monmouth County Vocational School District’s work-based program is designed to provide students with career pathways planning, employability skill development, occupational workplace training, and other employment experiences related to a chosen career. The MCVSD has partnerships with affiliated schools, parents, businesses, industry, and community agencies that create opportunities for students to participate in quality job training.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are aligned with industry and academic standards. CTE programs create well-marked paths students can follow from school to entry-level employment or post secondary training. Structured Learning unites business and industry, organized labor, community-based organizations, parents, schools, and higher education and aims to ensure that students become skilled workers with a desire for life-long learning. The Work-Based Learning experience integrates school-based learning and work-based learning to better provide students with career preparation.
Work-Based Learning Program Goals:
Improving the educational experience for high school students
Providing an engaging, relevant education that reduces dropout rates and improves student achievement
Helping students discover the wide range of career options available to them
Charting educational pathways through high school
Determining the best postsecondary education for optimum value and success
Developing workers with the skills, credentials and technical knowledge necessary to be a part of the new global economy